Date Today Microsoft Edge Extension Changelog
Latest Updates for Date Today Microsoft Edge Extension
The Date Today extension for Microsoft Edge is a browser extension that displays the current date and time directly in the browser. It is a simple utility that helps users quickly view the date and time without needing to check their system clock or open a separate calendar application. The extension typically appears as an icon or widget on the browser's toolbar, and when clicked, it might provide additional functionalities like a small calendar view or the ability to customize the display format of the date and time. Moreover, this extension can be especially useful for users who frequently work across different time zones, allowing them to easily keep track of the time. It is lightweight, easy to install, and highly customizable, making it a handy tool for productivity. Additionally, it can include reminders or event tracking, further enhancing its usefulness for personal organization.
16 January 2024 v1.4.7- + Fixed French translations
- + Fixed day number, day of the week, and month refreshed in the panel
10 August 2024 v1.4.5
+ First initial version for the Microsoft Edge web browser + Using the latest browser extension code with Manifest V3
18 December 2019 v1.3.5
- Initial release Date Today for Microsoft Edge